CRUNCH WEARS NO PANTS — Episode #17: What Do The Wolves Do Now? Reflection on the 2022-23 Season, the Two Bigs Experiment, Our Fav Moments, Off-Season Theories.

Here we are. Together. At the end. After a week and a half of games starting at 945pm, the gentlemen power through exhaustion (both physical and emotional) to discuss the series loss vs the Nuggets, as well as the insanely chaotic 2022-23 season. We also relitigate season 1 of the two bigs experiment while also showering love all over the growth of Anthony Edwards, as well as the song "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven. The gentlemen then briefly go over their favorite season moments, fawn over Atlanta Hawks PG (future Wolf) Vit Krejci, and get sassy to all the twitter fingers who think it's cool and edgy to be negative all the time. Love you. Love JoMomma's Salsa, Jimmy's Dips, and Duke Cannon.



VikesVerified Podcast — Episode #52: The K.J. Osborn Interview: Live From Tom’s Watch Bar.


Stanzel’s Sports Takeout — BREAKING NEWS: 5-1-23.